The configuration should be stored in the YAML format at ~/.config/marswm/marsbar.yaml You can get the default configuration with marsbar --print-default-config.

The Status Script

You can set the status on the right side of the bar with a custom skript or program. On X11 it uses the custom property _MARS_STATUS on the root window. You can use any program to set it, but mars-relay also supports the set-status command:

mars-relay set-status "Today is $(date +%F)"

You also have the possibility to use multiple modules for different metrics. They are separated by a special character, the default is currently 0x1f. In a shell script you could use it like so:

load="$(cut -d' ' -f1 /proc/load)"
date="$(date +%F)"
status="$(printf "%s\x1f%s" "load: $load" "date: $date")"
mars-relay set-status "$status"

The script/program is expected to update the status on its own. It can either be started by your own startup scripts/systemd/etc. or by marsbar itself. To launch the script with marsbar you have to make sure the script is executable (chmod +x). Then you can add it to the config file under the option status_cmd.

Button Actions

marsbar also lets you handle button clicks for those status blocks. These are handled by a script/program which can be a different executable or just the same as used for status updates. Place the path to the executable under the action_cmd option in the config file.

When a button is pressed that executable is called with the environment variables BLOCK and BUTTON are set:

  • $BLOCK contains the index of the status block that was clicked
  • $BUTTON contains the index number of the mouse button that generated the event


Theming is available under the style subsection in the configuration file.

This section might look something like this:

  background: 0x262626             # background color of the bar
  expand_workspace_widgets: false  # make all workspace widgets the same width
  height: 31                       # height of the whole bar
  font: FiraCode:size=12           # font of text surfaces (as xft name)
    foreground: 0x262626           # foreground (text) color of the workspace widget
    inner_background: 0x5F87AF     # background of the individual workspaces
    outer_background: 0x262626     # background *around* the individual workspaces
    padding_horz: 0                # horizontal padding around the workspaces
    padding_vert: 0                # vertical padding around the workspaces
    text_padding_horz: 10          # horizontal padding around the text
    text_padding_vert: 4           # vertical padding around the text
    spacing: 0                     # spacing between the individual workspaces
    foreground: 0xBCBCBC           # foreground (text) color
    background: 0x262626           # background color of the text widget
    foreground: 0x262626           # foreground (text) color
    inner_background: 0xAF5F5F     # background of the individual blocks
    outer_background: 0x262626     # background *around* the individual blocks
    padding_horz: 4                # horizontal padding around the blocks
    padding_vert: 4                # vertical padding around the blocks
    text_padding_horz: 5           # horizontal padding around the text
    text_padding_vert: 0           # vertical padding around the text
    spacing: 4                     # spacing between the individual blocks

Note: Although they may look very weird in the output of marsbar --print-default-config colors can simply be written as hex values (like 0x1a2b3c).